Every Tuesday afternoon
in term time
from 1:00 to 2:30 in
St Mark's Community Hall

We welcome all under-fives and their parents grandparent or carers.
There is no charge for the sessions but if you can afford a donation of £1 per family, it would be much appreciated.
For the first hour of the session we put out a variety of toys and there are often craft activities which we invite parents to get involved in with their children.
Later, we play the 'cleaning up music' and we all help to clear away the toys. Meanwhile, children are invited to sit together and enjoy some snacks (for example bananas, grapes, and scotch pancakes or fruit loaf). Tea and coffee is provided for adults.
Finally, all meet on the carpet for a story, to sing songs, share news and dance.
we have different activities - a party, a teddy-bears' picnic - but we want to expand our range of activities. Have you any ideas of what we might do? Do you have a skill we can use? Do let us know.
Room for more!

The Under-fives group is part of St Mark's Church. On Sundays during our main service (9:30am) youngsters have their own special area in the church.
Do you know of other parents who have children who would like to come and join us? We'd love to see them! Please give them one of these leaflets and invite them along.
Under-fives group is also an opportunity for parents and carers to socialise and make new friends.
For more information, please contact:
David Ince 01623 644325