All bookings are made at the discretion of St Mark's Parochial Church Council (PCC).
Bookings will not be taken as final and accepted until the conditions of hire have been agreed, a booking form completed and the appropriate deposit paid within seven days.
The charge for the hall is £15 per hour, including use of the kitchen.
There is a negotiable fee for use of the church for concerts and other events. A booking form and costs are available from the booking secretary:
Mr John Irons, on 01623 661735
Occupation of the premises
Hirers are reminded that they are responsible for any accident or injury arising from the activity for which they have booked. It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the premises are suitable and safe for the purposes for which they intend to use them by carrying out their own risk assessment, including a fire evacuation procedure.
Hirers are required to complete details of any accident or incident occurring during their occupancy which caused injury or illness, or could give rise to it, as soon as possible. An accident/injury record book is held with the First Aid Boxes in the kitchen and vestry.
Completed reports should be detached and given to the booking secretary.
All exits and fire extinguishers must be kept clear of obstructions. Placing tables for the sale of promotional material and/or provision of refreshments at the rear of the church is not permitted as they are a potential obstruction in an emergency evacuation.
Hirers are responsible for the clearing all rubbish, replacing tables and stacking chairs as directed on leaving and for leaving the premises in the condition in which they were found.
To comply with current regulations, the premises are designated NON-SMOKING. Music is not permitted after 11pm.
St Mark's PCC confirms it is familiar with the Home Office Code of Practice Safe from Harm, also with the Southwell Diocesan Policy Children and Young People First, and with the policy of the safeguarding of vulnerable adults.
Hirers working with children, young people and vulnerable adults should be DBS checked and have a Safeguarding policy in place.
The PCC accept no responsibility for loss or to property, nor injury to any person.
Click to download
booking form